Friday, 23 November 2012Miss Syerrah is 3!!
Miss muffet came into the world 4 weeks early...but at least she made it that far. A few trips to the hospital to calm things down or it would have been even earlier. Tiny but tough, she never went into the NICU, within 2 days she was diagnosed with severe GERD and went home at 4 days old, under 5 lbs as soon as she could pass her carseat test, which she failed several times. From then until about 7 months old she ONLY went into the car for doctors or hospital trips, otherwise she would scream, throw up and choke, pull over, pull her out of the seat, make sure she was breathing. About 100-150 times a day she would throw up. She lost her voice from the acid burning her vocal cords,and the constant (and I mean 12-14 hours a day!) she didn't gain weight, was on supplements, had to nurse every 90 minutes round the clock to keep the milk coating her throat.... 5 combinations of drugs adult dose of Nexium 3 times a day and 4 doses of domperidone a day, and we finally at 9 months had it semi under control. She was so allergic to dairy, I couldn't even have butter or chocolate in my diet. Those of you who know me, know that giving up chocolate for 2 full years of nursing was a BIG sacrifice!! At the minus percentile until we weaned her off all her medications at 20 months.... she finally started growing, and hasn't stopped. She talked early, potty trained at 21 months, and has grown to the 75% for height and the 20th for weight. Worse things in life than being tall and thin. LOL! She's still allergic to dairy, but not deathly so...and when I finally stopped nursing her I ate so much chocolate, I was sick of it!!
She's now 3 years old and an amazingly FUNNY, kind, witty, smartass (yes my fault) Sassy, (ya mine too) and bright little lady who lights up my life on a daily basis. She is my little super hero, she was a little fighter for sure!! So today, we made her into SUPER day late, it rained yesterday!!
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